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Psychology of Denial by Sofia K. Ogden, Ashley D. Biebers

Author: Sofia K. Ogden

     In psychology, denial is a concept originating with the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud. According to Freud, three mental dynamics, or motivating forces, influence human behaviour: the id, ego, and superego. These three forces all have different goals (id, pleasure; ego, reality; superego, morality) and continually strive for dominance, resulting in internal conflict. This conflict produces anxiety. The ego, which functions as a mediator between the two extremes of the id and the superego, attempts to reduce this anxiety by using defence mechanisms. Defence mechanisms are indirect ways of dealing or coping with anxiety, such as explaining problems away or blaming others for problems. Denial is one of many defence mechanisms. It entails ignoring or refusing to believe an unpleasant reality. Defense mechanisms protect one's psychological well-being in traumatic situations, or in any situation that produces anxiety or conflict. This book presents original research in this exciting and thought-provoking field.

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