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Psych PAK Liby

Psych PAK is an organization focused on promoting mental health and the field of psychology in Pakistan. In Pakistan, the field is still in its developmental stage, considering that the availability of jobs and work experiences are very few. A lot of work and effort are required to build up this field. Different societies and organizations are working to promote the significance of mental health and the field of psychology in Pakistan.

    Psych PAK, as an organization is devoted to promote the field of  Psychology in Pakistan. Psych PAK is working on different milestones to achieve this motive. 

    Psych PAK Liby, one of the milestones of Psych PAK, is an open resource e-library for psychology learners.  This open resource library is developed to ensure open access to knowledge of psychology for its learners. Moreover, centralizing all of the psychology communities (students, professors, practitioners, and other psychology professionals) of Pakistan to one platform to support each other and grow together.

Liby's Sections

Books Library

    In this section, you can explore almost all of the books necessary for your academic learning as well as getting knwledge with interesting psychology books. You can check your required books form the category domains given below. Click on category to check out all the books available in that category.

    Symbol ImageThese books are not owned/ copyrighted by Psych PAK. We have just collected all the data available on internet openly and arranged it in a sorted form for your convenience.

    Moreover, you can also search you required book in the search bar given below.

    You can also request a book, not present on our website, till now.

Open Research Gate


    In this section, you can access a search engine that will let you access all the scientific knowledge, articles, journals with open access, to read as well as to download. This search engine is owned by Sci-Hub, a controversial project that is aimed to provide unrestricted free access to scientific knowledge.

On our website we are just using the mirror image of the search engine owned by Sci-Hub.


Doorbeen - Psychological Toolkit

    Doorbeen is a psychological toolkit for a psychology student or professional. This section give you access to alot of psychological scales, inventories, manuals and other assessment, diagnosis and treatment/ managment material. Again, this section is also cateegorized into different themes and domains. 

You can review that categories and reach out the measure you want to use. You can also search directly the specific measure you're looking for in the search bar.

    Symbol ImageThese scales, inventories, measures are not owned/ copyrighted by Psych PAK. We have just collected all the data available on internet openly and arranged it in a sorted form for your convenience.


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Psych Pak Liby is an open resource platform for psychology learners, powered by Psych PAK, This Liby is designed to fullfil three major needs of a psychology seeker, Read  more...,


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   This section ensures availability of every book of your need in the field of psychology grasping every specific sub-domain of psychology.

Open Research Gate

    This section comprises of search engine that will let you access every research paper, articles, journals; freely.

Community Forum

    This section is designed to let you the part of biggest local community that will guide you regarding your queries.

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